Thursday 28 November 2013

What is design for print?-OUGD504 Research

Research into information pack ideas

Survival guides:
After deciding to create a survival guide, I researched into others that have been created for different themes to grasp an idea of what other people have done and how they have gone about aesthetics etc to keep the guide interesting to audiences. 

This 'in case of graduation' survival guide was interesting as it takes a humorous tone to lighted the stress of graduation for students ending their studies. It has a clean, student aesthetic and is colour selective making the guide visually interesting.

This 'survival guide to design school' holds a clean, minimalist aesthetic, it elludes precicion and contains the tools in which to create design Sheets in such ways. I find the packaging interesting as it is concise and Neatly executed. The simplistic use of colour creates an instant house style thatvis legible and recognrecognisable.

What I found most interesting about this piece of design was the composition and aesthetic of the booklet included. It is simple yet visually interesting.

I really liked the idea of having a comical, pocket sized selection of survival guides. The simplistic us of colour used with line drawings works really well in the comic context and creates a guide that's visually informative.

The survival guide to design school above holds a stong aesthetic and house style playing with type and simplicity. I liked the idea of having this as some sort of welcome pack to new design students, similar to the welcome folders we recieved at LCA however, this pack has been designed rather than a plastic folder. 

simplicityic and house style/

Instruction manuals:
I have decided to do some research into instruction manuals as well as other survival guides because of the similar nature between the two...

I found this manual for BluIQ that is visually appealing and contains lots of information however I feel that if I included this much information in such a formal manner within the survival guide to print, then it wouldn't get as much attention as I want it to because the amount of text is overwhelming for something that is supposed to be a quick fix instruction manual.

Although I don't particularly find the design of this instruction manual invigorating, I do however find that the simplistic approach between the balance of text and image is well done as the instructions are plain, simple and easy to follow, something which not many instruction manuals are like now.

When looking at the tea packaging above, I thought it was interesting how the instructions on 'how to make the perfect tea' were wrapped around each tea bag to make an individual packaging source. The use of colour and typeface creates a strong house style throughout the different types of tea.

I found this invitation to the premiere for the remake of the movie "Voyage à traverse l'Impossible", the great masterpiece of Georges Méliès. It acts as both an invitation and an 

instruction manual for pattern embroidery. I particularly like the simple, eco friendly aesthetic of the manual. Simple yet effective, the black information on a brown, grainy stock works really well with the 'hands-on' ideology behind the manual.

The 'Stravanger survival kit' above doesn't show any content however I liked the modest aesthetic of this kit. Simple yet effective. The difference in tag against the plain brown bag works well to catch an audiences attention. I really like the vintage effect that the colours and use of photograph give.

The edible Land Rover book is a really unique idea that makes perfect sense in reflection of its content! Its minimal and informative aesthetic eliminates confusion for its audience of adventurous land rover drivers who may at some point find themselves lost.

This Zombie survival guide caught my attention as it is very illustrative however is minimally combined with text in a simple layout .

The survival guide for coca-cola shown above initially interested me because of how all the contents of the guide were integrated into this neat pouch which opened up into a tidy away wallet. The raw, earthy colours and materials work well in reflection of the idea of root ideologies. The kit was used to distribute proprietary print and broadcast production software to advertising agencies worldwide.

I came across this survival design pack for print on Behance and thought that the zip pouch was an interesting idea to contain the collection of print information.

Considering Aesthetics:

Ok, so now I have a focused idea about exactly what I would like to produce, I have started looking into different styles, colours, fonts, layouts to decipher what the aesthetics of my book will be...

I liked how this type had been integrated to make up an image rather than solely just text or image. Something like this would look visually appealing on the front cover of the book; perhaps foiled or laser cut? If I was to laser cut the cover, this would mean that Id need to place something underneath as a filter page so that the contents would not be seen through this.

Here is another piece of type that I like the composition of ... again, I think the use of mainly type to create the cover will be of more use than image.

When considering examples that I will include in the book under each category of print type, I came across this piece of lino print which I love! I am going to attempt a full page design to include in the lino print section within the book.



After an interim peer review, I feel much more confident and motivated within my ideas for this project. Feedback:

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