Tuesday 7 January 2014

'What is design for print?'- Study task 1

What is design for print?
Study Task 1

Identify a minimum of 5 examples of the effective/creative use of print in the following areas of design:
  • Branding and Identity
  • Packaging and Promotion
  • Publishing & Editorial
  • Information & Wayfinding
You should aim to identify design work from a range of commercial/cultural references, target audiences and creative contexts. 

You will need to identify primary and secondary sources and not rely solely on web-based examples as this will encourage you to be more adventurous in your research and diverse in your findings. You will also gain a more informed understanding of the 'real world' context of the work.

Branding & Identity
I found this 'self branding' to have an interesting identity where the sides of business cards were sprayed a contrasting bright orange to the brilliant white background of the cards themselves.

The 'Whoa Nelly' branding creates a strong element of sophistication. Fine art works are used as images within the design work instead of photography. This is that juxtaposed with a strong, statement like bold square with contrasting white text to state name and the business type, catering. 

I particularly liked the emphasis on keeping a house style with geometric shapes combined with contrasting colours within this brand. The packaging its self defines uniform order that changes with season.

Again, similar to the very first example within the branding and identity category, the images above show printing on the side of pages to create a word/phrase when viewed in bulk. I really like how this gives the publication a family aesthetic, in that the information is needed as a whole rather than in part to be fully understood.

The branding style for the above is very simple yet effective as it is instantly recognisable. The use of black and white along with a unique teal colour adds to the house style and reflects the elegance of the logo design itself.

Packaging & Promotion
I absolutely love this packaging for artisan playing cards! The intricacy of the design work is brilliantly complimented by gold foiling which reflects the whole steam punk era aesthetic. The packaging has a strong house style which is easily recognisable amongst other playing card packaging.

The packaging above for gingerbread cookies reminds me of European architecture for some reason. The use of closely knit geometric shapes and widely kerned block type works surprisingly well and creates a strong packaging set. The simplicity of the design is differentiated by the use of different background colour to create obvious flavour differences. 
The packaging for this brand is set out from others as it is simple and printed to glassware so that the product contained is visible completely to the customer. This gives an eco-friendly vibe and a clean, playful aesthetic.
I found the use of specially printed plectrums as an interesting promotional quirk. The strong identity of the brand is followed through by a simple logo then printed to plectrums to give customers as souvenirs that are recognisably brand specific.

The piece above is for self promotion product. The curriculum vitae has been produced in a way to reflect the style of the designer and has been simply packaged in an embossed envelope to stand out from other post that may be received to the specific audience that the designer wishes to target.

Publishing & Editorial
The juxtaposition between hue and saturation within different areas of these images is really interesting, the edited text has been placed in neon to stand out from the background image creating a statement yet illuminates parts of the human figures to enhance emotion. 

The magazine above is solely grey scale which works really well along with the minimalist aesthetic that is carried throughout the publication. Simple yet effective with its washed out photographs and contrasting bold black text with interesting compositions.

Something Beautiful Happened This Morning aims to inspire people and remind them to value and appreciate what is around them. Each morning is a new beginning to new adventures and experience. I particularly liked the simple composition of the pages within this publication.


Deaf and severely hearing impaired people communicate in sign language. For most it is their first language and is considered by many as their native language. It is a(an independent) separate language and is very different to the spoken and written language. The DEAF MAGAZINE communicates in both of these languages. 
It is a life-style and society magazine about the culture of german sign language. Through the use of mixed media and augmented reality technology, it links the written language directly with the german sign language and makes it easier to his readers
to affiliate information and allows to a better understanding of the written language.

Information & Wayfinding

An interesting publication that is put into perspective in the field being addressed. The use of signs that link to the map in the publication is a good idea to eliminate confusion to the target audience.


This infographic based information booklet takes an interesting, simple, eco friendly approach to aesthetic. A standardised layout throughout creates a strong sense of uniform throughout the publication.

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