Tuesday 6 May 2014

Practical element research - OUGD501

Are We Free?: Psychology and Free Will

Do people have free will, or this universal belief an illusion? If free will is more than an illusion, what kind of free will do people have? How can free will influence behaviour?
John Baer James C. Kaufman Roy F. Baumeister 

Dealing with advertising starts with understanding how it works, what it does, and how it intends to influence you.
While you may be taking advertising for granted, it does seek to influence what you spend your money on. Many people don't believe that they're susceptible to being influenced, let alone manipulated, by advertising. However, it wouldn't be so omnipresent if it didn't work.
Advertisers hide the manipulative parts of advertising, because people will not accept it if they notice being manipulated. It needs to appear innocent in order to have an influence.
So how does advertising influence people?


What Is Consumer Behavior?
Consumer behavior is a hotbed of psychological research, as it ties together issues of communication (advertising and marketing), identity (you are what you buy), social status (among peers and potential mates), decision-making, and mental and physical health. Corporations put the findings about consumer behavior to good use, and so should you in monitoring what, when, and why you buy.

Changing Consumer Behavior Through Social Advertising

Article by Kate Newman, Account Executive at Social@Ogilvy in Chicago.
In today’s social and digital media landscape, it’s no secret that advertising opportunities are abundant. Because the number of ads consumers are exposed to each day continues to rise, the challenge for marketers to not overexpose their audience is crucial.
One way to combat this is by promoting content in an authentic, non-intrusive manner. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr have all recently launched updates to their advertising suite that give marketers new opportunities to reach their audience in purposive ways.
For example, Google Plus launched +Post ads, which transform public Google+ posts into expandable display ads on the Google Display Network, which is used by over two million sites worldwide. This new feature will help brands amplify their Google+ content across the web and expand the awareness of their presence on Google+. Consumers with Google+ accounts can also interact with the brand directly on the +Post without leaving the website.

Don’t forget Twitter

Not wanting to be left out, Twitter announced a new ad unit, Tailored Audiences, which also aims to reach consumers outside the platform.
If someone visits your brand’s website, an ads partner will capture their Twitter handle using browser cookie IDs. The next time that user logs onto Twitter, they will see a Promoted Tweet from your brand. The same can be done with CRM email lists and Twitter ID lists. This provides a huge opportunity for your brand to promote content to people who may have already visited your website but may not have engaged socially.

Seamless user experience vs intrusion

While creating a seamless user experience through thoughtful advertising is a theme across the two new ad units from Google+ and Twitter, Facebook’s new Video Ads may seem a bit intrusive at first. Rolling out soon, Video Ads will start playing automatically when users visit their News Feed – both on desktop and mobile devices – and will initially play without sound.
Although some consumers say they will likely ignore them, Facebook notes it has seen a more than 10% increase in people watching, liking, sharing and commenting on videos. Other consumers note that if video ads keep Facebook free to use, then they are on-board.
Producing relevant and creative social ads, when promoted across the appropriate platforms, ensures that brands can influence and ultimately change consumer behavior. As social and digital media continue to evolve, so will their advertising suites. The good news is, the opportunities for marketers to promote their brand remain endless.
Dive deeper into these new advertising offerings along with more on advertising on Tumblr, and also learn about a new ad unit that Pinterest plans to announce this year, in the POV below.

Marketers must understand what influences consumer behavior, such as the consumer buyer process, top influencers, and effective advertising.


  • Increasingly, 'top influencers' sway the decisions of other consumers, particularly through the use of social media and other tools.
  • By understanding the five stages of the consumer buying process, a marketer can best influence the purchasing decision of the consumer.
  • The heirarchy of effects model aims to influence consumers at every stage of the buying process, and includes such tools as commercial and radio advertising, and using infomercials.

Researchers at the Stanford School of Business gave three bottles of wine to a test group—one was an expensive $95 bottle, another a mid-priced $35 bottle, and then a bottom-of-the-barrel $5 bottle.
But beforehand—and without the subjects knowing it—the researchers switched the labels so that the $95 bottle was labelled $5 and the $5 bottle was labelled $95. They left the middle-range price bottle at $35.
The subjects were then asked to taste each wine and rate them. Without fail, they all declared that the one labelled $5 was the worst and the $95 one was by far the best.
Turns out we all have expensive taste ... even when the product is crap.

Buy nothing day
“Today, humanity faces a stark choice: save the planet and ditch capitalism, or save capitalism and ditch the planet.” 
– Fawzi Ibrahim

Until we challenge the entrenched values of capitalism – that the economy must always keep growing, that consumer wants must always be satisfied, that immediate gratification is imperative – we’re not going able to fix the gigantic psycho-financial-eco crisis of our times.
The journey toward a sane sustainable future begins with a single step. It could all start with a personal challenge, such as this: make a vow to yourself to participate in Buy Nothing Day this year. This November 29th, go cold turkey on consumption for 24 hours … see what happens … you just might have an unexpected, emancipatory epiphany!
Buy Nothing Day is legendary for instigating this type of personal transformation … as you suddenly remember what real living is all about … you sense an upsurge of radical empowerment and feel a strange magic creeping back into your life.
Join millions of us in over 60 countries on November 29/30 and see what it feels like. Then, after Buy Nothing Day, take the next step … for generations, Christmas has been hijacked by commercial forces … this year, let’s take it back.

And why not get playful while you’re at it!? … Put up posters, organize a credit card cut up, pull off a Whirl–mart, or a Christmas Zombie walk through your local mall.

Its not all bad...

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